


121. You don’t have to be superman to play this game and all you have to do is relax, forget you are underwater and have fun! 你不需要超人来玩这个游戏时,你所要做的就是放松,忘记你在水下,玩得开心!

122. Mr. Kennedy obviously was hit by the first of what witness believed were three shots. 第一个证人认为是三枪显然击中肯尼迪先生。肯尼迪先生显然被击中是第一个证人认为的第三枪。

123.We would like to cancel the order for the goods because of a sharp decrease of their price in the home market. 我们要取消货物的订单,因为国内市场的价格急剧下降。

124. The policeman made it plain to the driver that he must give an exact account of the process of the accident.


125. On the other hand, boy’s eating habits are influenced more by friends than by parents. On the other hand, they usually care very little about food.

另一方面,孩子的饮食习惯更多的是受朋友而不是由父母影响, 另一方面,他们通常不大关心食物。

126. As you know, China is now undergoing modernization and is badly in need of well-educated persons.


127. Starting from the quality, customers prefer to purchase our products even though they seem higher in price.


128. What he emphasized over and over again was that his country would not retreat “one inch” under any pressure from outside. 他再三强调的就是他的国家从外部压力之下不会后退”一寸”。

129. There is no right amount of sleep for everyone and generally sleep requirements decrease with age.


130. No one can deny the basic fact that it is impossible for average workers to master these skills easily.


131. The local people were warned of the coming winter storm ahead of time from the weatherman or newspaper reporter.


132. So long as we know each other ‘s requirements, I am sure to talks will go well as planned .


133. The importance of soil-keeping can never be over stressed for scientists observe that it takes nature 500 years to create an inch of topsoil. 保护土壤的重要性不能过分强调科学家们观察到的自然界要用500年的时间才能形成一英寸的表层土壤。

134. Our attitude towards study is always cultivated in the early childhood and often has a lifelong effect.


135. I am very happy I have been selected for the position I applied for and I am sure I won’t let you down. 我很我很高兴我申请到了职位,我肯定,我不会让你失望的。

136. Hearing that the rich man was cheated out of 100 pound, almost all the people in the neighborhood made fun of him.

听到那个有钱的男人被骗了100英镑, 在附近几乎所有的人都取笑他。

137. My father and mother often apologized to our neighbors for my trouble-making while I was still a young boy. 当我还是个孩子的时候,我的父亲和母亲经常由于我调皮捣蛋而向我邻居道歉。

138. But another round of a war in the region clearly would make international relations tense.


139. Rather than leave the potatoes in the store to go bad, she decided to sell them at half price.


140.As for TVs, there are 220 million TV sets in the USA, which means that there is almost on TV for each American. 至于电视, 在美国有2.2亿台电视,这意味着几乎每个美国人都拥有一台电视。

141. Jim is only a second-class tennis player, but he is always showing off his skills before us.


142. Somehow our path took us toward the park, across the footbridge high above the rolling waters of the river.


143.At that time readers were forced to consider the information in the newspaper true because they weren’t able to compare it to other sources.


144. Careful observations have been made of the children by the researcher at the beginning and the end of the term.


145. If you can provide more satisfactory after-sale service, your products will surely have a wide market here.


146.Research evidence suggests that students who are the most successful in school are those with the largest vocabularies.

研究证据表明, 在学校里谁是最成功的学生,谁就拥有最大词汇量。

147. As he had a liking for the sport, he seldom let a week pass without paying it a visit.


148.This active cooperative group is admired by all consisted of 4 members, with each one having an equally important role.


149. Mary’s parents dislike the idea of her going to America, so it remains to be seen whether she will realize her dream.

玛丽的父母不喜欢她去美国的想法, 因此她能否实现她的梦想尚不可知。

150. It is reported that so far, foreign financial institutions have made their way into nineteem major cities in China.

据报道, 到目前为止,外国金融机构已进入中国的19个主要城市。


